Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Model for a day... or rather, 15 minutes

One day my sister called me in the office. "Do you want to be a model?" she asked. It took me a few seconds to gather my thoughts and I blurted, "What?" Turns out, the company I work for wants to produce a print advertisement and needed a few people to model for the advertisement. I thought it would be an interesting experience, and so I volunteered.

Today was the photoshoot. There were three men - a photographer, his assistant and a the boss. They were setting up strobe lamps, soft boxes, reflectors, filtered strobes, an Apple Powerbook G4 to view the RAW images from a digital back, and they used Nikon lenses. I was intrigued and enjoyed watching the professionals prepare their gear.

The first photoshoot was a Meeting scene. They needed 2 people and I was chosen along with another girl from HR. The boss made us feel relaxed by asking for our names, and gave general suggestions on how to pose. We weren't directed. Instead, they let us pose naturally... well, as naturally as I could with 3 people in the room staring at us and 6 other people outside the room watching us. I think we did ok. We cracked jokes and mumbled some nonsense to get into the feel that we are in a meeting.

After each pose, we got to have a look at the photographs. I was impressed. The lighting arrangement produced a very distinct vignette effect, and images were tact sharp and the colours very saturated. Our faces were well exposed with no blown highlights. Wow. There were a few shots with either one of us looking a little odd. I hope they got a good shot with both of us not looking too odd.

I don't know when I'll get to see the finished photograph. Will they post process the photos?

I got to be a "super" model for about 15 minutes. It was fun!

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