Friday, April 20, 2007

The world today

I wonder about the world we live in today. Only recently I read newspaper articles about the elderly conning people at ATMs, about children involved in syndicated home robberies, and other news where people are taken advantaged. So what am I to think of the world today?

A couple of days ago, we got home a little later than usual, and while SP was unbolting the door, a stranger met us along the stairway. He claimed he was our upstairs neighbour, and that he lost his wallet, and since his parents weren't around, he asked if we could borrow him some money so he could get his IC replaced the next day.

In an ideal world, we would have given him the money, and rest easy, knowing very well that we helped a fellow man.

Instead, in the world today, we gave him the money and wondered if we were conned?

In our defense, he did look familiar, having seen him around the neighbourhood. And he even offered to show us that he could enter the unit upstairs. He even looked a little teary-eyed, as if he was afraid of what he was going to do since his parents wasn't around.

Perhaps it doesn't matter if we did get conned. Sometimes we just have to put a little trust to others. Otherwise, what kind of world we'd live in?

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