Friday, December 22, 2006

Mobile phone ad I'd like to see

fictional phone advertisement:
Motola CRZY
Save up to 20% of your call charges!
So how would you react to such an ad? You can save money by using this phone. How is it possible?

By reducing the talk-time! Instead of having mobile phones that let you talk for hours, you can save money if you get a mobile phone that only lets you talk for 10 minutes on a single charge. Faced with rising prices and expenses, I think there would be people interested in such a phone. Judging from the amount of hoo-ha over the new high tech toilets in KL, such a phone could be a runaway success.

I can't take credit for this revolutionary idea. Zin mentioned this in passing while we were on our lunch break.

And in case you're wondering what I'm rambling about, it's just my lame attempt at making a joke. Erm... anyone laughing?

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