Friday, December 08, 2006

A respite

The past few weeks I have been drowning in a torrent of "we have to meet the deadline!", "stay on schedule!", "this has to be done before the week is over!". What little personal time I had was used for my "cave time" where I would tune out from reality and spend an hour or so in front of the idiot box.

Then, a respite.

I can now allow calm personal thoughts to percolate in my mind.

Just last night, we sat on the sofa and had some quality time together with Amy Grant singing Christmas carols in the background. Our Christmas tree was set up in the living room sans the blinking decorative lights. We'll have to get a set this weekend. The tree just isn't complete without those lights.

This respite also meant I could catch up with my reading. I'm halfway through Michael Crichton's State of Fear. A blurb on the back cover states, "... In the jungles of Malaysia, a mysterious buyer purchases deadly cavitation technology, built to his specifications. ..." How could I resist?

How could I not stop laughing? Why? This deadly hypersonic cavitation generator is made in a factory in Pudu Raya, and is located "just a few kilometers" from "the ultra-modern airport designed by Kurokawa" (read: KLIA). A factory in Pudu Raya? Just a few kilometers from KLIA?

This one factual error aside, I found the book rather interesting. I don't know where facts become fiction, but perhaps that's why I like some of Michael Crichton's books. He takes an idea, and pushes it to the extreme.

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