Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Grab Bag II

I mentioned about winning a Mac Grab Bag a few weeks ago. It's been almost a month and I haven't received the Mac Grab Bag. Nevermind... the website does say it would take 4-6 weeks for my prize to arrive...

So while thoughts of opening the Grab Bag and discovering what I had actually won percolated in my mind, I was dilligently joining the same competition every week. It's easy, and takes about 10 minutes, maybe less, to identify the sound clips and send the answers.

A week passed... nope, I didn't win. Another week and another week, and I didn't win. No surprises here. But on the fourth week...

I won another Mac Grab Bag!

It boggles my mind - either I'm on a lucky streak, or the general population don't know how to use Google, or the podcast has very few listeners.

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