Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stepping back, and remembering

Sometimes I need to take a step back, to remind myself about what's important and what's trivial. Sometimes it takes someone to remind me to take that step back. Sometimes it takes a book. A book written a long long time ago by a girl, about her family, and their life in the prairie. Care to take a guess to the title of the book? Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

1999 and I had just started my work life, in a new place, far far from my family and friends. It was also the year I bought my own copy of Little House on the Prairie. Back then, Penang didn't have a proper bookshop, so I had to buy the book from Amazon. I read the book during my secondary school days and enjoyed reading Laura's accounts of her life in the Prairie. They had a simple life, but how they cherished all the little things they had. I enjoyed reading how Pa asked Ma to put her handprint on the bread she baked and about the little cakes filled with white flour, sprinkled with precious white sugar that Laura and her sister got for Christmas.

8 years later, my copy of Little House on the Prairie is now falling apart at the seams. So when I spotted a similar version of the book a few weeks ago, but this time printed on high quality paper, and with coloured illustrations, I couldn't resist getting another copy. A new copy, for a new chapter in my life.

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