Monday, January 22, 2007

Timmy and Junior

I never understood people's attraction to dogs... until I met Timmy and Junior. They stay with sp and her family back home, so I only meet them a few times a year. But whenever we meet, a few sniffs and licks is all it takes, and it's like we were never apart.

Timmy is the quieter of the pair, with the patience brought on with experience but isn't afraid to show who's boss when the younger Junior goes too far.

Junior is a flurry of excitement and energy, always eager to play and partake in his favourite pastime - eating.

They're really well taken care of, and in return they take very good care of the family. One can hardly stay glum with Junior prodding you to take his favourite bone and play with him, or Timmy calmly staring at you with those gentle eyes, not asking for anything except companionship.

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